It's me again.... just a little blog (yeah right) about a very important book I own, what's in it, and most importantly why I have to keep it safe. Wow? sounds intriguing right? sure it does!, so wow is right (actually you will probably find this to be more funny, but anyway).
Let me start by saying that beautiful people are everywhere. Yes people are beautiful on the inside, but that's not what I'm talking about here, yes they volunteer (which I'm all for, but not talking about), yes they help children (sweet, but not talking about that either), all around genuine caring person (that's awesome, but nope, not that). I'm plain and simply talking looks, adorable faces, sexy bodies, beautiful eyes, it, beautiful people are everywhere. Of course not everyone has the same taste, we all know this. I mean remember in high school and your best friend's boyfriend was just God awful ugly? Yeah!, but to your friend, they were the cat's meow! Now let's talk about the reason people get crushes...well of course could be the adorable extremely gorgeous faces, great hair, beautiful eyes, sweet dimples, or maybe it's the hysterically funny person that makes you giggle like a school girl, or simply the way someone carries themselves, or presents themselves to others. Everyone has a crush, a person that makes them say.....ahhhhh - very nice. This is where the book comes into play...Called the celebrilist...which is defined in the urban dictionary (love it) as a list created by the individuals in order to notate which celebrities they are allowed to have sex with, if given the opportunity, and will not have committed any kind of wrong-doing in any relationship. So basically, it's a book listing celebrities (well, truth be told they are not ALL celebrities) people have chosen as their "celebu-crushes", and possibly even stalkerazzi level crushes.
Here's the deal, it started about two years ago on a girl trip, at a restaurant I believe PF Chang's, anyway waiting for our food, we got into a discussion about gorgeous actors. I had a small pad of paper in my book, and jotted them down, even went as far as to write down our waiter's choices...(we each got five). It was hilarious, and every single time we were together again, we brought it up. One day out of the blue I had a text.."Paula, I need to change my list, I've decided I really think Channing Tatum is hot".....OOooKaayy... this text was the official beginning of the "celebrilist". Now I have a small book that I keep with me, it lists names and celebu-crushes for most of my friends, and a few others. It is updated a lot, mostly by text, and some lists have grown from five, to fifteen.
Why do we do this....well mainly because it's funny, It's funny looking at other peoples lists, judging their celebs, and of course updating it is also fun!
So here's the deal, the Celebrilist..... is real, it's secret (well, sorta.. ummm not really, nope...not at all), but it is an actual book, and I own it. Want to add to it, sure, just jot me a note. We are serious when we say, what's written in ink is branded for life (I guess that's a tattoo), well what's written in blood (that won't work either, cause it's not blood, I'm not crazy). What is written in this book....well it's neither a contract or the law, it's not going to be binding in court or anything sweet like that. However, it does add a little bit of fantasy, bliss, and wishful thinking to our somewhat mundane
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